๐ŸชดI'm Angela, a teacher and researcher focusing on equity, technology, ย writing, and rhetoric.

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An image of a woman with brown hair and glasses smiling at the camera

๐ŸŒฑ Research

๐Ÿ„ Teaching

๐ŸŒฟ Portfolio

๐Ÿ‘“ Usability & UX Teaching Snapshots

Redesigning Lego Instructions

A pile of Lego boxes

Students redesign Lego instructional manuals for an audience of children and other builders with visual impairments. They explore a variety of potential solutions, including audio instructions, visual design, and tactile bricks. This activity helps students understand how people who are deemed "edge cases" are often written off and not designed for, creating designs that exclude rather than include.

Visual Impairments and Accessibility

Wraparound glasses with lenses that are largely dark with starburst patterns on them

Students engage in empathy activities to better understand the experience of users with visual impairments. To begin, they try on glasses that simulate visual impairments like myopia and retinopathy and attempt to use their usual apps on their phone or computer. This experience helps students understand the true depth to which users with visual impairments may experience difficulty while using technology.

User-Centered Design for Library Acquisitions

Figma's project management dashboard

Recently, students in my User-Centered Design class worked with a local library software company. They conducted UX research (interviews and site observations) to better understand users' experiences with library acquisitions software. They created scenarios, personas, and journey maps based on their research for the client.

๐Ÿ„ More teaching

๐Ÿ“šBooks I Love

Books that have influenced my teaching, research, and ideas about how to create a better university for all of us.

A book cover for Safiya Umoja Noble's Algorithms of Oppression
A book cover for Tony Scott's Dangerous Writing
A book cover for Sara Wachter-Boettcher's Technically WrongA book cover for Tony Scott and Nancy Welch's Composition in the Age of AusterityA book cover for Christopher Newfield's The Great MistakeA book cover for Safiya Umoja Noble's Algorithms of Oppression